Anthony Gilbert – Crow Undersongs (1979 -81)

Posted on April 16th, 2020 by

Anthony Gilbert – Crow Undersongs (1979 -81)

Peter Sheppard Skaerved – Violin (Jacob Rayman 1641)

At the desk recording 16 4 20

One of the joys of the unwanted lockdown, has been opportunity it has given me to begin a collaboration with Anthony Gilbert, one of the UK’s great composers. He sent me me this extraordinary piece based on Ted Hughes ‘Crow: From the Life and Songs of the Crow ‘ (1970), and was entranced. Here it is – this ritual for viola is one of the great works for the instrument alone, and a perfect match for the astonishing 1641 Rayman violin, graciously lent me by Ben Hebbert.

I was lucky enough to correspond with Hughes towards the end of his life, and feel that he would have loved this piece.